
Each year Love Luna works hard to not only create products that speak to comfort, inclusivity, sustainability and affordability but to advocate for change.
It only seemed right for us to lend our voice in support of Marks & Spencer, WUKA and many great organisations to say PANTS to the tax!
What is period tax?
Period tax, also known as ‘tampon tax’ refers to value-added tax (VAT) or sales tax on menstrual hygiene products including tampons, pads and menstrual cups.
We know what you’re thinking - menstrual hygiene products are basic necessities which should be taxed as such, right? Unfortunately, globally this is not always the case.
The Movement
In line with the continual movement advocating the removal of ‘period tax’, our friends in the UK came together to demand the elimination of unfair taxes on all menstrual hygiene products.
In 2021, the UK government removed the ‘period tax’ on menstrual hygiene products that included tampons, pads and menstrual cups, however, period pants being classed as ‘garments’ were still subject to a huge 20% tax (VAT). This sucks - oh Luna Lovers, we know!
As a reflection of the continuous efforts and most recent campaign by M&S, WUKA and partnering organisations to recognise period pants as menstrual products and remove the 20% VAT, the UK government has announced that starting on January 1st, 2024 this too will be abolished.
This change reflects a positive step towards destigmatising menstruation and promoting greater accessibility and acknowledgement of sustainable and eco-friendly period protection alternatives.
Together, we said Pants To The Tax!
We want to take the time to thank all those who supported this initiative and joined us in a campaign that saw great success to remove tax on period pants.
Together, we contributed to a collective initiative that is not just a fiscal change, but a bloody amazing win that represents commitment to economic justice, global progression, menstrual equity and public health.
To that we say, #PantstotheTax!